Becoming a leader

I feel like I was really lucky to have many opportunities to be in a leadership position. This all started in High School where I was chosen to become one of many section leaders for band. Going into this I was a very shy and nervous person and knew almost no one. Then we had this leadership camp where we all bonded as a team. During this time I got to meet a lot of great people and they help me get over all the nerves I had going into it. Slowly through the year I have learned many things that help me grow as a person. I wasn’t the greatest leader right off the gate… I was actually pretty bad compared to the other sections. I was let go from the team for a year but didn’t let what I have learned go. We first learn the model “To lead is to Serve ‘’ and along this we told that leading is not the same as bossing. We had to lead by example not tell but to show..This was the model that stuck with me through that gap year when I was off the team. I was fortunate to be selected again to be a leader my last year in high school. When hearing this news I was excited and determined to show what I have learned and what I have done to improve my leadership skills. This year was much better than my first year.

I am now a Equipment Manager for the UH Band and feel like I’m still learning how to become a better leader everyday. What I have gained from all this experience. I believe that all these opportunities have changed me to become the person I am today. This also has given me an experience that I do not regret doing and trying my best and not giving up. After I was dropped from the team I felt like I haven’t given it my all. This was where I learned to not give up and keep trying. All this was applied to my everyday life and I am grateful for all the opportunities that were given to me. Without those I’m not sure who I would have been without these experiences.