Beginning of Javascript

01 Sep 2020

Beginning of Javascript

To start I have no prior experience coding in Javascript. So going into it I was ready to revisit Java. I am very familiar with Java and enjoy using it so I was really excited to learn Javascript. To my surprise the transition from Java to Javascript was very easy. The one thing that I really enjoy about javascript is that you don’t need to define your variables. This and a lot of other simpler ideas that makes me enjoy Javascript.There is also weird ways you can make fucntions and other stuff in Javascript that can make it harder to read but it will take time to get use to it. So far in my journey to master Javascript I am enjoying the language and looking forward to seeing what else it can do.

Javascript for Software Enginerring

In my option I believe that Javascript is a great and powerful language for software engineering. This is due to the fact that it is simple and you don’t really need to define any variables. It lets you manipulate the code a lot easier to help you create anything you basically want it to do. It does come with its flaws due to the simple syntax it can make it harder to read. This will take time to learn what you need to have and what you can omit to make the code more “simpler”. Besides the different ways to write things that could make it hard to read I feel that Javascript is a great language for software engineering due to these reasons.

Atheletic Software Engineering / WOD’s

My thoughts on athletic software engineering is that it’s a great idea. The WOD’s aren’t too stressful for now, but in the future they might get a little stressful depending on the difficulty. I feel like this is a great way to mimic the interview questions where we are given a random code to write and make it in a certain amount of time. I feel like this type of learning is really helpful and makes us prepare as much as possible for everything in the future. I enjoy this way of learning alot more than reading it from a text and working on code. I feel more engaged by doing the WOD’s. There are also practice WOD’s which are really helpful. It also lets you somewhat pratcie for the WOD’s while also letting you pratice on your own. Overall I learn better by doing engaging stuff for the class so this way of learning fits me well.